Let’s make French digital technology shine! Discover Olivier Cazzulo’s opinion piece on French tech

OPINION – The Covid crisis has confirmed that digital technology is an important development lever for our economy and more broadly for our society. The post-crisis period will confirm and amplify this trend, with all companies making the digital shift that is essential to their growth. In this perspective, the years to come are crucial for companies in the French tech and digital sector. How can we ensure the robustness of our industry in the face of fierce foreign competition? Yes, French tech can shine… on three conditions. (*) By Olivier Cazzulo, Numeum delegate, CEO Netsystem.

Three types of companies make up the digital sector: IT service companies (also known as ESN or SSII), technology consulting companies and software publishers. While for the first two, internationalisation is not a major problem, the third are still struggling to cast their nets beyond France. Yet it is essential that France exists on the world software scene, which is eminently strategic.

As such, it is crucial to provide them with the necessary support to better formalise and structure their internationalisation strategy, both in the evaluation and selection of acquisition targets and in the search for financing assistance.

However, the issue is not so much about expansion or exporting as such. It is a question of structuring, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the French sector.

Read more : https://region-sud.latribune.fr/idees/2021-07-30/faisons-rayonner-le-numerique-francais-889850.html