Mehari Club Cassis : erp change

Mehari Club Cassis, an SME with 70 employees and consolidated sales of €17 million, wanted to upgrade its ERP system in 2020. The current system was cumbersome and inefficient in view of their activity. This is why they called on Netsystem to help them define their needs, choose the tool and implement it.

Context & objectives

Mehari Club Cassis is an SME with 70 employees and consolidated sales of €17 million. The company’s activities include the manufacture and sale of 2CV and Mehari spare parts (nearly 75% of which are sold through the E commerce site), the restoration of 2CVs and Meharis, an electric mobility division through the manufacture of a Mehari-based vehicle (EDEN) and the development of a kit for converting 2CVs into electric vehicles (R-Fit).
In 2020, they wanted to upgrade their ERP, which they considered cumbersome and inefficient given their business. They called on Netsystem to help them define their needs, choose the tool and implement it.

Business challenge

Netsystem provided support in three stages:

  • Audit of internal procedures & definition of the target solution: the audit of internal procedures enabled organisational and strategic issues to emerge, requiring processes to be harmonised. The first stage therefore involved setting up a common internal organisational structure for each department. Netsystem used a specific tool to describe the procedures, resulting in macro-processes, which were then detailed by the Mehari Club de Cassis.
  • Drafting of specifications – Assistance with consultation & negotiation: Netsystem then assisted the Mehari Club in qualifying integrators and tools, resulting in the drafting of specifications. Demonstrations were then offered to the various stakeholders, followed by a debriefing with the Mehari Club in order to target the tool best suited to their needs. Financial negotiations were also handled by Netsystem.
  • Project management: Once the ERP had been selected, Netsystem set up a project mode with the Mehari teams, with regular meetings between the various players. The first stage involved migrating data from the old tool to the new one, then configuring the new tool according to the desired operating mode, through workshops, in particular with the integrator.
  • An ERP tool is being implemented that meets the expectations and needs of the Mehari Club Cassis
  • A review of working methods to standardise processes as far as possible and improve responsiveness, using the new ERP system.
Key success factors
  • The involvement of the department heads was an undeniable key factor in the success of the project: all the departments of the Mehari Club de Cassis were present and mobilised around this project.
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