Neovacom : ISO 27001 certification

How Netsystem experts helped Neovacom obtain ISO27001 certification.

Context & objectives

Neovacom is a publisher of business process dematerialisation solutions for the real estate industry, notably through Freedz, a SaaS platform where almost 10,000 users exchange electronic invoices. Obtaining ISO 27001 certification (the benchmark for IT data security) is essential for this company, which wants to be at the heart of the current digital transformation and be recognised by its customers and partners as a benchmark player in the electronic invoicing market.

Business challenge

Neovacom, a software publisher, anticipated the reform of electronic invoicing. We helped the company to become a Partner Dematerialisation Platform (PDP) and to formalise ISO 27001 certification, via an audit and the implementation of an ISMS.

Response & method

As part of our policy of constant innovation in line with legal developments and technological needs, we have helped Neovacom to achieve the status of Partner Dematerialisation Platform (PDP).

Key success factors

To obtain PDP registration, we implemented the conditions for obtaining ISO 27001 certification in around 8 months. Neovacom can now fully demonstrate its expertise in dematerialising invoices, to meet the requirements of its customers, the market and the DGFiP (Direction générale des Finances publiques). Finally, Docoon, France’s leading developer of digital trust services, has announced the integration of Neovacom, and in particular its Freedz platform.

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